2024-05-08 Sveikatos priežiūros fakultete paskaitą skaitė dr. Tania Janaudis-Ferreira, Magilio universiteto docentė ir Sveikatos centro mokslinių tyrimų instituto Monrealyje (Kanada) mokslininkė. Pranešimo tema – „Kokią reikšmę transplantacijos procese turi fiziniai pratimai“? Įtaigi, profesionali pranešėja ir aktuali, probleminė paskaita sulaukė didelio pirmojo ir antrojo kurso Kineziterapijos studijų programos studentų susidomėjimo: iškelti klausimai, problemos ne tik sukėlė aktyvias diskusijas, bet, anot lektorės, paskatino kai kurias aktualijas apsvarstyti kartu su savo kolegomis Kanadoje.

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2024-05-08 Tania Janaudis-Ferreira gives a lecture to students of the physiotherapy programme. The title of the presentation: What role does exercise training play in the transplant journey?

Dr Tania Janaudis-Ferreira is an Associate Professor at the School of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy at McGill University and a Research Scientist at the McGill University Health Centre Research Institute in Montreal, Canada.

The overall aim of her research programme is to improve rehabilitation care and outcomes for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and solid organ transplant candidates and recipients. She is co-founder and co-chair of the Canadian Network for Rehabilitation and Exercise for Solid Organ Transplant Optimal Recovery (CAN-RESTORE).

She has received several grants as principal investigator from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Quebec Respiratory Health Network, the Canadian Lung Association, the Kidney Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Society of Transplantation and the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program.)